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Understanding Service Status - HAC documentation hub

Understanding Service Status

A service instance is the combination of a Highly Available cluster service and a cluster node that that service is eligible to run on. For example, in a 2-node cluster each service will be configured to have two available instances - one on each node in the cluster.

Each service instance has its own state, consisting of three items:

Pool State, Failover Mode and Blocked State


Pool State

A service instance in the cluster will always be in a specific state. These states are divided into two main groups, active states and inactive states1. Individual states within these groups are transitional, so for example, a starting state will transition to a running state once the startup steps for that service have completed successfully, and similarly a stopping state will transition to a stopped state once all the shutdown steps have completed successfully (note that this state change stopping==>stopped also moves the service instance from the active state group to the inactive state group).

The following describes the individual states a service instance can be in.

Active States

When the service instance is in an active state, it will be utilising the resources of that service (e.g. an imported ZFS pool, a plumbed in VIP etc.). In this state the service is considered up and running and will not be started on any other node in the cluster until it transitions to a stopped state (for example, if a service is stopping on a node it is still in an active state, and cannot yet be started on any other node in the cluster until it transitions to a inactive, stopped or broken_safe2 state).

Active states are:


The service is in the process of starting on this node. Service start scripts are currently running - when they complete successfully the service instance will transition to the running state.


The service is running on this node and only this node. All service resources have been brought online. For ZFS clusters this means the main ZFS pool and any additional pools have been imported, any VIPs have been plumbed in and any configured logical units have been brought online.


The service is in the process of stopping on this node. Service stop scripts are currently running - when they complete successfully the service instance will transition to the stopped state.


The service has transitioned to a broken state because service stop or abort scripts failed to run successfully. Some or all service resources are likely to be online so it is not safe for the cluster to start another instance of this service on another node.

This state is caused by one of two circumstances:

  • The service failed to stop - for example, a zpool imported as part of the service startup failed to export during shutdown, or the cluster was unable to unplumb a VIP associated with the service, etc.

  • The service failed to start and abort scripts were run in order to undo any possible actions performed during service startup (for example if a zpool was imported during the start phase then the abort scrips will attempt to export that pool). However, during the abort process one of the abort actions failed and therefore the cluster was unable to shut the service down cleanly.


While the service was in an active state on this node, it was seen in an active state on another node. Panic scripts are running and when they are finished, the service instance will transition to panicked.


While the service was in an active state on this node, it was seen in an active state on another node. Panic scripts have been run.


Service start scripts failed to complete successfully. Abort scripts are running (these are the same as service stop scripts). When abort scripts complete successfully the service instance will transition to the broken_safe state (an inactive state). If any of the abort scripts fail to run successfully then the service transitions to a broken_unsafe state and manual intervention is required.

Inactive States

When a service instance is in an inactive state, no service resources are online. That means it is safe for another instance of the service to be started elsewhere in the cluster.

Inactive states are:


The service is stopped on this node. No service resources are online.


This state can be the result of either of the following circumstances:

  • The service failed to start on this node but had not yet brought any service resources online. It transitioned directly to broken_safe when it failed.

  • The service failed to start after having brought some resources online. Abort scripts were run to take the resources back offline and those abort scripts finished successfully.


Each service instance has a mode setting of either automatic or manual. The mode of a service is specific to each node in the cluster, so a service can be manual on one node and automatic on another. The meaning of the modes are:


Automatic mode means the service instance will be automatically started when all of the following requirements are satisfied:

  • The service instance is in the stopped state
  • The service instance is not blocked
  • No other instance of this service is in an active state


Manual mode means the service instance will never be automatically started.


The service blocked state is similar to the service mode except that instead of being set by the user, it is controlled automatically by the cluster's monitoring features.

For example if network monitoring is enabled then the cluster constantly checks the state of the network connectivity of any interfaces VIP's are plumbed in on. If one of those interfaces becomes unavailable (link down, cable unplugged, switch dies etc.) then the cluster will automatically transition that service instance to blocked. Furthermore, a service does not have to be running on a node for that service instance to become blocked - if a network interface becomes unavailable then being in a blocked state means that the cluster is preventing a service failover to a node that cannot run that service successfully.

A service instance blocked state can be either:


  • The cluster's monitoring has detected a problem that affects this service instance.
  • This service instance will not start until the problem is resolved, even if the service is in automatic mode.

  • If a service instance becomes blocked when it is already running, the cluster may decide to stop that instance to allow it to be started on another node. This will only happen if there is another service instance in the cluster that is unblocked, automatic and stopped.


  • The service instance is free to start as long as it is in automatic mode.

  1. For example running and stopping are members of the active group, whereas stopped is a member of the inactive group. 

  2. A broken_safe state is considered a stopped state as, althought the service was unable to start up successfully, it was able to free up all the resources during the shutdown/abort step (hence the safe state).