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WebApp Users - HAC documentation hub

WebApp Users

For users with the admin role the page System -> WebApp Users manages WebApp user accounts.

The main page lists the WebApp users under the MANAGE tab. The PROFILE tab provides summary information for the currently logged in user:


Admin users

There must always be at least one user with the admin role. By default an admin user is added when the cluster is first initialised and can only be removed once additional users with the admin role have been created.

Adding a user

To create a new WebApp user, login as a user with the admin role and click the ADD USER button.

  1. Enter the User Name, Real Name, Password and optionally an email address which will be used for alert notifications:


  2. Set the role for the user:

    Role Description
    view-only User can only view the status of the cluster, services, heartbeats etc. They will be unable to perform any management operations.
    operator User will be able to manage services in the cluster, stopping, starting, moving etc. They will not be able to delete, create or change services.
    admin Full control over the cluster with no restrictions.
  3. Once done click ADD USER; the new user will be created:



    Webapp users are created cluster wide and can login from any node in the cluster.

Modifying Users

To modify a user click the edit-outline icon to the right of the user. The Real Name, Password, E-Mail and Role fields can be modified as required. Login for this user can also be enabled/disabled by toggling Enable User.


Click SAVE CHANGES when complete.

Deleting Users

To delete a user click the trash-outline icon to the right of the user:


Click the REMOVE USER button to confirm.