Our Solutions

Ease of install icon

User Customisation

Protect your critical business application, database server, webserver, etc., using our enterprise grade cluster software by including your own startup and shutdown processes withing the RSF-1 framework.

Data fencing icon

Integration Support

Utilise the expertise of our HA Professional Services Team to help you get the best from your RSF-1 integration. Please ask us if you are at all unsure.

Servicing icon

Multiple O/S Support

RSF-1 provides the same resilient functionality irrespective of your choice of operating system. So whether you prefer Solaris, Linux, BSD or one of their many variants there is a download for you. Don't see what you need? Then get in touch!

Ease of install icon

User Customisation

Protect your critical business application, database server, webserver, etc., using our enterprise grade cluster software by including your own startup and shutdown processes withing the RSF-1 framework.

Data fencing icon

Integration Support

Utilise the expertise of our HA Professional Services Team to help you get the best from your RSF-1 integration. Please ask us if you are at all unsure.

Servicing icon

Multiple O/S Support

RSF-1 provides the same resilient functionality irrespective of your choice of operating system. So whether you prefer Solaris, Linux, BSD or one of their many variants there is a download for you. Don't see what you need? Then get in touch!

Watch RSF-1 in action

See how RSF-1 can be used to create a highly available ZFS appliance

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Enterprise Solutions

Ease of install icon

User Customisation

Protect your critical business application, database server, webserver, etc., using our enterprise grade cluster software by including your own startup and shutdown processes withing the RSF-1 framework.

Data fencing icon

Integration Support

Utilise the expertise of our HA Professional Services Team to help you get the best from your RSF-1 integration. Please ask us if you are at all unsure.

Servicing icon

Multiple O/S Support

RSF-1 provides the same resilient functionality irrespective of your choice of operating system. So whether you prefer Solaris, Linux, BSD or one of their many variants there is a download for you. Don't see what you need? Then get in touch!

Ease of install icon

User Customisation

Protect your critical business application, database server, webserver, etc., using our enterprise grade cluster software by including your own startup and shutdown processes withing the RSF-1 framework.

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